…year. All were people of color, 11 were residents of the housing complexes that the market served. Most of these employees were also part of the planning committee. Being part…
Search Results
Massachusetts to recommend modifying MCAS graduation requirements for Class of 2022
…8 and 10 until June 11, officials said on Thursday. The recommendations will have to be approved by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. If approved by the board,…
More state aid for rural schools this year
…mile in communities where the average per-capita income is not greater than the statewide income average. School districts with less than 11 students per square mile and incomes of no…
Hinds and Blais say launch of Rural Schools Commission ‘a big win’ for region
…Education issued a report in 2018 on the fiscal conditions of rural schools across the state and found those schools pay more per student for teachers, aides and transportation. “There…
Mobile markets make local food accessible
…the Go Fresh Mobile Market is the oldest of the region’s mobile markets — going on 11 years. Wellspring Cooperative is the latest operator to take ownership of the market….
Author talks to high school students about trauma, life
…King (Amy Sarig King) asked those questions, though, she explained to students how she became a writer because of a can of succotash and several English teachers who didn’t give…
Frontier School Committee decides interim superintendent
…he is interim superintendent. The letter, dated May 21 and read at the meeting, included the signatures of 11 district administrators who voiced their support for making Modestow interim superintendent….
GHS students participating in Community Service Learning Day
…make neck scarves out of recycled T-shirts, all as part of Community Service Learning Day. The students will go out into their community from 8 to 11 a.m. to learn…
Orange committee to discuss name and budget for new school on Thursday
…up to 80% of eligible costs being reimbursed by the Massachusetts School Building Authority – when MSBA authorized the proposal to proceed to the design phase on December 11. However,…
Human Centered Work at CES
Listen on Spotify In this Episode Today’s episode features co-hosts Elkie and Suzanne as they share introductions of all our season 1 guests and previews more of the thoughts and…