…21st Century Learning Programs at CES, of the thirteen 21st Century Learning programs run by CES, 11 have been designated “Exemplary” and the last two are only in their first…
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Developing Youth Leadership
Listen on Spotify In this Episode Today’s episode features the thoughts and expertise of Lisa Goldsmith, SPIFFY Coalition Manager. Lisa shares strategies for developing youth leadership while combating adultism –…
Due to coronavirus pandemic, Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education looks to waive MCAS testing requirements for certain students
…entering grades 10, 11 or 12, Riley said. “While some students in the classes of 2021–2023 have already met the state standard in STE, many others are missing the opportunity…
Hands-on science for Sunderland children
SUNDERLAND — When 11-year-old Sunderland Elementary School Student Tenzin Phelgay grows up, he wants to design a rocket capable of going to Mars. For now, he’s building marble rollercoasters in…
Curriculum Leaders’ PLC – Online
…partnership in each meeting. Our first meeting in ’22-’23 will be on Wed., Oct. 5, 11 am-1 pm. For succeeding dates and time in the year, please contact the facilitator….
Frontier keeps adding opportunities
…school opened Wednesday for the 2016-2017 school year for the first time. Last year, the school offered a total of 11 advanced placement courses. According to a news release from…
Poverty, segregation persist in U.S. schools, report says
WASHINGTON — Too often, low-income, black and Latino students end up in schools with crumbling walls, old textbooks and unqualified teachers, according to a report released Thursday by the U.S….
What does observation-based formative assessment look like in practice?
Submitted by Stephanie Lyda, MKEA Regional Coordinator for the Southeast Region This 11-minute video shows kindergarten classrooms in North Carolina using observational formative assessment. With thoughtful comments by teachers, and…
Mohawk Trail, Hawlemont plan blizzard bag study
…Jan. 16, at 6 p.m. in Mohawk. According to School Superintendent Michael Buoniconti, about a dozen teachers and school families are willing to participate in the study. As a district…
At state budget hearing at GCC, school officials share unique challenges faced by rural districts
…an effort to directly communicate with the Legislature, rural school advocates arrived at Greenfield Community College prior to the 11 a.m. budget hearing to distribute handouts to attendees that highlighted…