…not critical classes that students should have,” Gould said. The entire project will cost $30,000, Gould said, with $10,000 of the funding coming from a private donation by Matthew Jackson,…
Search Results
Baker-Polito Administration Awards $600,000 in Grants to High Schools to Support Innovation Pathways
…received designation from 2018 through 2020 and will use funding from the state to support work-based learning, industry recognized credential attainment, and dual-enrollment opportunities with partnering colleges and universities. “When…
MOEC Highlights Work of Collaboratives to Support Student Mental Health
…build strong partnerships with community-based mental health agencies and/or providers. “We are very grateful for this funding, which will have a tangible impact on our continued mission of providing our…
Early Childhood Programs Reduce Need for Special Ed
…1990s. They tracked two main sets of variables over a 13-year period: funding levels for preschool programs in all 100 counties and third grade special education placements in those counties….
Title I and English Learner Services
…(EL). Home E Search query for: blog blog tag transportation funding ( Page 10 ) Title I Programming Currently, DYS has a team of six Literacy Specialists, who provide…
English Learner Education
…blog tag transportation funding ( Page 10 ) Supporting Multilingual Learners Our Approach We use a whole-child, whole-school, and whole-community approach to create a better learning experience for both students…
My Turn: Our educational landscape: Charter schools’ negative impact in area
We are following closely the discussion about potential changes to the cap on charter schools. There is much room for debate about the value, impact, funding and accountability of charter…
Raising MCAS bar was a move in the wrong direction
…funding, what educators really need is flexibility, support, and trust to reshape the educational environment within our schools. We need to try something new. Unfortunately, what is measured is what…
Pathways to Independence Program (PIP) Hosts Visitors May 15
…awarded a $500.00 grant to the PIP vocational program for utilizing the Massachusetts Work Based Learning Plan.” Ms. Cartwright adds, “The Connecting Activities funding supports the development of all PIP…
U.S. Department of Education Awards Over $60 Million to Strengthen the Teacher Pipeline, Increase Educator Leadership, and Support Quality Teaching and Learning to Further Address Teacher Shortage
…the years ahead.” The SEED program supports evidence-based practices that prioritizes educators’ growth across the continuum of their careers. In this year’s SEED competition, the Department directed funding to projects designed…