Home E Search query for: blog blog tag school funding ( Page 16 ) Workforce Development Programs Perkins Consortium The Collaborative for Educational Services, under its Workforce Development Programs office,…
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The Amherst regional school consolidation question
Over the past several years, the Amherst-Pelham Regional School District has been operating with state funding that has been stagnant at best, and declining at worst. In addition, enrollments have…
Western MA coalition releases recommendations for minimizing the impact of trauma on young children involved in DCF
…While increased funding for DCF in 2014 is helping to reduce caseloads, additional funding may be necessary to achieve nationally recommended levels of 15 cases per worker. Support healthy attachment…
Local legislator visits Reading Recovery Program in West Springfield
West Springfield, MA – A local legislator and several school administrators convened today at the Cowing School in West Springfield to learn more about the work being done at the…
Baker to file stand-alone education bill
…help school districts with health care costs, but have been unable to reach a broader agreement to implement the full range of funding recommendations. Last July, House and Senate lawmakers…
Setting the Stage for Future Educators
…to prepare educators to achieve their teaching licenses. In 2002, funding became available in the form of a federal grant, the Transition to Licensed Teaching (TTLT) program was born under…
Dozens of lawmakers asking for education aid increase beyond Baker budget proposal
…in his budget for next year, joining with local leaders who pressed budget writers on Monday to increase school aid to their communities despite the administration contention that “difficult” choices…
Governor Baker signs FY16 Budget
…that are raising concern include funding for early education and care programs, and the full day Kindergarten development grant program. According to Senate President Stan Rosenberg, D-Amherst, “We have serious…
Conway Grammar School hosts guest readers for Dr. Seuss’ birthday
…a reading initiative from the National Education Association. About 15 people — school staffers, local and state police, School committee members, Conway Selectboard members and Frontier Regional School students —…
Chocolate milk is heading back to school
…the nutrition standards. The language would apply only to the 2017-18 school year. But it mirrors changes to school lunch standards the Trump administration announced Monday as U.S. Secretary of…