As rural schools and their challenges continue to become a more prominent topic at the state level, two local champions of Franklin County’s schools have been tapped to serve as…
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Hinds and Blais say launch of Rural Schools Commission ‘a big win’ for region
…from the state capital.” The Rural Schools Commission was created by the Student Opportunity Act to investigate “robust long-term solutions” to issues uniquely impacting schools in rural areas. The state’s…
PraacticalAAC Blog Post by Jeanne Tuthill
Jeanne Tuthill, an assistive technology specialist at the CCATT Center, has prepared a post for Carole Zangari’s PracticalAAC Blog, and we are pleased to share the blog with you: If…
Local schools to form rural association
DEERFIELD — About 16 western Massachusetts school superintendents and others agreed Monday morning to start a “Massachusetts Association of Rural Schools” to address common issues faced by sprawling rural school…
Sparsity Aid for rural schools? Mohawk mulls rural school assoc.
…Trail Regional School on March 23 to discuss forming a Massachusetts Rural Schools Association. The association is to address issues that school systems in densely populated regions don’t face. Superintendent…
Commission wants $60M for rural school districts
…that will result in the closing of two or more schools.School choice ■ Cap school choice for rural districts. DESE should measure the impact of school choice, vocational schools and…
Representatives from Rural Schools and Communities Gather at Tuesday Summit in Shelburne
…the meeting as well. The topic was the current financial crisis that faces not only rural schools, but rural communities as well. Superintendent Michael Buoniconti led the meeting with a…
ESE Issues Fiscal Conditions in Rural School Districts Report
…Rural Policy Advisory Commission on Fiscal Conditions in Rural School Districts. The report was part of a feasibility study requested by the legislature, relative to establishing a formula for aid…
US Dept of Education announces webinar “Two Approaches to Improve Student Achievement in Rural High Schools”
…rural high schools? How do innovative practices evolve in a rural setting, from start-up to scaling across multiple states? How can rural practitioners successfully partner with the research community to…
Rural Schools Roundtable emphasizes funding difficulties for area’s rural schools
…to accommodate rural schools. She said the formula takes into account schools with between 300 and 600 students, and many of local schools fall below that benchmark. “It’s feels like…