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No more homework? Greenfield elementary schools rethink approach
…to have the families engaged and participating in the student learning, to reinforce what’s happening at school,” Toomey said. “We wanted to take the pressure and angst off of schoolwork…
Todd Gazda
…of School Administrators, the New England Association of School Superintendents, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and M.A.S.S. Prior to pursuing his career in education, in 1995, he received…
Gazda named director of region’s educational resource center
…a law degree in the mid 1990s. But the Middlefield native later became a social studies and English teacher at Gateway Regional Middle School in Huntington and then the school’s…
High Court Argument to Center on Level of Benefits for Special Education
…court said that the school district was responsible only for offering “some educational benefit,” using the terminology from Rowley, and went on to define that as “merely more than de…
2 finalists for Easthampton superintendent to meet public April 3, 4
…Agawam public schools. Next Tuesday and Wednesday, April 3 and 4, Berrios and LeClair will meet with Easthampton Public School District officials next, attend a community meet-and-greet and participate in…
Mohawk, Hawlemont to test out ‘Blizzard Bags’ during spring vacation
…school days, with the students completing assignments at a level of rigor at least comparable to that of a typical school day in mid-to-late June,” said Superintendent Michael Buoniconti. …
Franklin County has two Schools of Recognition
Two Franklin County schools are among the 67 recognized by the state for strong MCAS achievement or for exceeding their performance targets. Whately Elementary School and Swift River School in…
Gail Healy retires after 39 years in Franklin County
…Elementary School in Greenfield from 1994 until the school closed in 2008. “It was an unbelievably amazing experience,” Healy said of her time at Four Corners. “People aren’t able to…
…educational resources, and more! Home E Search query for: blog blog tag rural school aid bill ( Page 48 ) Community Youth substance use prevention is founded on the…