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Results for "blog blog tag rural school aid bill"

Mass. High School Graduation Rate Improves

Massachusetts education officials say the state’s high school graduation rate is up to 86.1 percent, with some of the strongest gains among minority and low-income students. The Department of Elementary…

Setting the Stage for Future Educators

…the direction of Dr. Len Lubinsky. CES began by working with the Massachusetts DOE on licensure programs for teachers of special education and reading, and for school administrators (supt, principal,…

Barbara Cheney

Barbara is a veteran teacher with certifications in ESL K-12, English and History, she has experience in urban, rural and alternative settings. She earned a B.A. from Temple University and…

Patricia Kinsella

Patricia Kinsella has served as an educator, union representative, and administrator for over 30 years. Her experience spans PreK-12 in a wide range of districts (rural, urban, well-resourced, financially-challenged) and…

Woody Clift, Ph.D.

…in school.  He provided training and technical assistance to urban and rural schools alike for the National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention, responsible for supporting districts…

On early ed, let’s not lose ground

…become strong readers and increase high school graduation rates. Additional resources will support these statewide goals, particularly in lower income communities in which school budgets are more dependent on state…

Gwynne Morrissey

schools in the large, urban Fort Worth, TX, Independent School District. She has designed and facilitated training on assessment design and data use for urban, suburban, and rural educators and administrators….

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