…and equitable financial support for schools and towns in rural western Massachusetts,” said Mohawk Trail School Committee Chair Martha Thurber. “For the first time, the issues facing our rural communities…
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Sparsity Aid for rural schools? Mohawk mulls rural school assoc.
…Michael Buoniconti invited 45 school superintendents of 65 rural school districts to this meeting — and all have small school populations in large rural areas. “Some (superintendents) are in charge…
Pioneer Valley residents testify in favor of rural school aid bill
…a Sustainable Future for Rural Schools,” would help rural schools succeed by fully funding a $60 million recommendation for rural school aid, funding special education and other forms of transportation, and assisting…
Forum with legislators explores rural school aid, recreation tax and more
…school aid. Mark explained how last August, Gov. Maura Healey signed a budget for fiscal year 2024 that provided an extra $9.5 million for rural school aid compared to fiscal year 2023’s…
ESE Issues Fiscal Conditions in Rural School Districts Report
…to be distributed to rural school districts. It examines enrollment, staffing, spending trends, local aid, school choice, and charter school tuitions to understand the challenges facing rural districts. The report…
Commission wants $60M for rural school districts
…that will result in the closing of two or more schools.School choice ■ Cap school choice for rural districts. DESE should measure the impact of school choice, vocational schools and…
State Senate OKs study on rural school aid
…struggling, small school districts. The so-called “sparsity aid” formula is aimed at providing additional financial aid to rural districts like those in Franklin County. The idea, proposed by Mohawk Trail…
PraacticalAAC Blog Post by Jeanne Tuthill
Jeanne Tuthill, an assistive technology specialist at the CCATT Center, has prepared a post for Carole Zangari’s PracticalAAC Blog, and we are pleased to share the blog with you: If…
Rural School Aid in State Budget
BOSTON — Massachusetts’ new budget includes $1.5 million for a new “rural school aid” account championed by Sen. Adam Hinds, D-Pittsfield. Nearly one month into the state’s new fiscal year,…
Local schools to form rural association
…Creation of “sparsity aid” for rural school districts, which have higher per-pupil costs than schools with more students. Wisconsin, for instance, is giving struggling rural schools sparsity aid of $300…