…schools. While Kenen’s essay contributes to that public understanding, it does not fully address the central points that we were voicing — that charter schools disproportionately impact rural and small…
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Program Implementation
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag rural school aid bill ( Page 14 ) Implementing Community Programs We help partners launch programs and projects that emerge as community…
Heath Elementary School will close
…our school has become too small to create an affordable education,” said Deb Porter, chairwoman of the Heath Education Taskforce, speaking to about 100 residents inside the Elementary School’s gymnasium….
After School Programming During the Crisis
…helping to plan and build activities for the virtual clubs and for the program. One student said, “School and after school were my life and I didn’t realize it. Anything…
Anti-bias training gears up in Amherst regional school system
…said the idea for broadening Welcoming Schools, which she called an impressive training program, came after the Amherst Early Education Center this year became one of 35 schools across the…
CES Profile – After School Programs, Learning Inspired by Fun
Asked about his favorite recipe from the Cooking Club at Greenfield High School’s Green Room After School Program, Ben, a quiet, reflective eighth grader, thought carefully about his choices. Ben’s…
North Berkshire Academy prepares for success in the Berkshires
…and therapeutic supports. CES agreed to design and create the new school, and the organization will manage the school itself on behalf of the school districts. Once open, the school…
Berkshire County weeks from having only special education public day school
…are targeted toward the districts of Northern Berkshire School Union, Mount Greylock Regional School District, Adams-Cheshire Regional School District, Northern Berkshire Regional Vocational Technical School and North Adams Public Schools….
R.H. Conwell School gets its first official sign
…said that the sign was like icing on a cake; an acknowledgment of the school taking its “proper place in the community.” “The sign completes the package,” Kulik said. “It…
Buckland-Shelburne Elementary climbs from a ‘lowest-’ to a ‘highest-performing’ school
…It has become a “Level 1” school and will be used as one of four statewide Level 3 model schools, to help other school districts turn around their lowest-performing schools….