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Results for "blog blog tag rural school aid bill"

Cooperative Purchasing

Home E Search query for: blog blog tag rural school aid bill ( Page 10 ) Simplify, Save, and Succeed By joining with CES for purchasing purposes, our clients have…

Native Education Practices

Home E Search query for: blog blog tag rural school aid bill ( Page 10 ) Native Education @ CES Our intent is to carry out our work in ways…

English Learner Education

blog tag rural school aid bill ( Page 10 ) Supporting Multilingual Learners Our Approach We use a whole-child, whole-school, and whole-community approach to create a better learning experience for…

Experts discuss state of local education at GCC

…experts advocated both at the state and local levels for sufficient funding for rural public school districts and championed opting out of state “high-stakes testing,” at an event hosted by…

Supporting Access to Educational Technology 

In 1987, schools and districts were not commonly thinking about educational technology as a means to level the playing field for student opportunity. But CES (then named HEC) Executive Director…

Les Edinson

…has spoken on multicultural schools, performance-based assessment, restructuring rural schools, and on the least restrictive environment for special education children. A graduate of Antioch College, he has an M.Ed. from…

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