…Damon has serenaded children on their way into school. “It’s not a recording. It’s live music, someone playing for them,” said Damon, who has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in…
Search Results
Introduction to Elementary Inquiry Using History’s Mysteries Webinar
Join us for our Introduction to Elementary Inquiry using History’s Mysteries Webinar. Description History’s Mysteries are ready-to-use K-5 curriculum units featuring student investigation of primary sources from the Library of…
Whately Elementary selects Kristina Kirton as new principal
…her peers. “She has a really nice way about her, having been a first-grade teacher for a long time,” Whately School Committee Chairwoman Katie Edwards said. The search committee made…
Easthampton Students Dig Into Pepin School History
…recess no longer animated the downtown. Jacqui LaFrance has been working as an elementary English language teacher for over 13 years in high and low incidence English Language districts in…
Florence middle school teacher named Mohawk Trail’s new assistant principal
…on July 1. Zamer comes to Mohawk Trail from John F. Kennedy Middle School in Florence, having taught sixth grade there for several years. She lives in Florence with her…
Hinds and Blais say launch of Rural Schools Commission ‘a big win’ for region
…budget, Hinds said such schools have yet to see their financial challenges addressed in the way other districts have as a result of funding changes. Hinds wants to see rural…
Program Implementation
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag r h conwell elementary school ( Page 24 ) Implementing Community Programs We help partners launch programs and projects that emerge as…
“Getting to Know Me” Brings Students the Power to Succeed
Julia stops and smiles as she talks about her work with children as a counselor at a local summer camp. Julia recently completed her first year at Mount Tom Academy,…
Despite Claims, PVCICS is Not a Model of Integrated K-12 Public Education
…Superintendent, Granby Public Schools John Robert Superintendent, Hatfield Public Schools Tari Thomas Superintendent, R.C. Mahar Regional, Orange and Petersham Elementary Schools Nicholas Young, Superintendent, South Hadley Public Schools Marlene DiLeo,…
Easthampton fourth-graders launch campaign against car idling
EASTHAMPTON — In the afternoons, parents line their cars in front of Maple Elementary School to pick up their children. To find out how much pollution idling cars are spewing…