…the importance of self-care, and how to reach out for help. (Learn more here) Active Minds Peer-Powered Mental Health Curriculum for High Schools – empowers and prepares high school students…
Search Results
Commissioner Announces 2021 Massachusetts Teacher of the Year Malden middle school math teacher Jennifer Hedrington receives state’s top educator award
…teacher who is committed to providing her students with access and opportunity.” Ms. Hedrington is in her 16th year of teaching secondary school mathematics and her 10th year of teaching…
Deepening Paraeducator Skills at Erving Elementary School
…Erving Elementary School, with each paraeducator completing an independent learning project based on their particular interest. When complete, they will share their work with the Erving Elementary School educator team….
CES After School Program celebrates twenty years
…received the 21st CCLC Exemplary award in FY19 – Easthampton High School; Greenfield High School’s Green Room; Philip G. Coburn Elementary School and Memorial Elementary School. Exemplary status ensures that…
Research & Evaluation
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag r h conwell elementary school ( Page 2 ) Your Learning Partners Our Approach We see ourselves as your learning partners —…
Paul Goodhind named principal of Mosier Elementary School in South Hadley
…principal of Mosier Elementary School. He will replace Jill Pasquini-Torchia who is moving over to the Plains Elementary School to succeed Jill Flanders, who is retiring July 1. Goodhind has…
Hadley Elementary School cited for STEM focus
…each grade level in the 2022-23 school year. “We are honored to recognize Hadley Elementary School for their commitment to providing students with exceptional educational experiences while ensuring equitable access to…
Powertown in the 21st Century Partnership Begins Work in Turners Falls
…of high-needs students (i.e., English language learners, low-income students, and students with disabilities). The new approach will shift the school away from the traditional credit-based high school graduation requirements and…
‘It’s my favorite school in the whole world’: Kids bid farewell to Heath School
…beside her. “It’s my favorite school in the whole world.” For the final day of school, most of the children wore green Heath School T-shirts designed by some of their…
Greenfield wins grant for free after-school programs
…staff who teach the programs as well as other costs for supplies and transportation. Greenfield already has after-school programs at Newton Elementary School, Greenfield Middle School and the Math and…