…in July. Hinds says 40 school districts would be eligible to receive this aid, including: Conway, the Tech School, Frontier Regional, Hawlemont, Mohawk Trail Regional School District, Pioneer Valley, Ralph…
Search Results
Green Room 21st Century Community Learning Center after school program continues to thrive
…adults and students starting their afterschool day. All are quickly answered and everyone moves to the day’s activities. The Green Room at Greenfield High School is one of thirteen 21st…
Districts team up on county’s first public therapeutic day school
…A related goal is to encourage other Berkshire school districts to join the collaborative. “We are working to invite other school districts to the table and become members,” she said….
Education Team Leader Training
Special Education Team Leader Institute CT Planning & Placement Team Leader Institute Home E Search query for: blog blog tag petersham school district ( Page 8 ) The Special Education…
Heath Elementary School will close
…The school’s fate now rests in the hands of the remaining Mohawk Trail Regional School district’s seven other member-towns. A unanimous decision by all district towns is required to move…
Buckland-Shelburne Elementary climbs from a ‘lowest-’ to a ‘highest-performing’ school
…it was among the lowest-performing 20 percent of schools and districts. That’s when the Mohawk Trail Regional School District sought help from a state agency known as “DSAC,” (District and…
Miguel Cardona chosen as Secretary of Education
…marred by national turmoil, a deeply divided nation, and an ongoing public health crisis that puts schools front and center. In selecting Cardona—a former teacher, principal, and district administrator—Biden fulfilled…
HEC Academy
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag petersham school district ( Page 8 ) We Believe Every Student Can Learn and Succeed The Collaborative for Educational Services has been…
Follansbee announces retirement as Easthampton school superintendent
…elementary schools and the aging middle school. The project will be put before the voters next spring. Follansbee joined the district in 1991 and over the years held various positions,…
Mental health challenges for students topic of summit
School and mental health professionals met Wednesday morning for the Safe and Healthy School Summit for a discussion on ways to mediate the mental health challenges faced by students in…