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Results for "blog blog tag petersham school district"

State cuts Mohawk preschool funding

BUCKLAND, MA — Because the state Department of Early Education and Care has decided to phase out its Inclusive Preschool Learning Environment grant program, the Mohawk Trail Regional School District

Tech AP program wins honor

TURNERS FALLS — Franklin County Technical School has been named to the 9th Annual AP District Honor Roll roughly seven years after School Committee member Mark Maloney suggested Advanced Placement…

Gill Elementary hires new principal

School District Superintendent Michael Sullivan is retiring at the end of June, he chose the new principal in consultation with his successor, Brian Beck, who was chosen by the School

Mount Tom Academy graduates seven

…program for high school students at risk of dropping out of school. The students come from their district schools and either return to complete their studies or finish their high…

Regina Tate

…has served as counsel to over 60 school committees and private schools, providing advice on a daily basis as well as advocacy in litigation and in hearings before administrative agencies….

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