…their ability to succeed in school. Home E Search query for: blog blog tag petersham school district ( Page 31 ) We open doors. We connect people. Our…
Search Results
Who We Are
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag petersham school district ( Page 31 ) We acknowledge that our coalition is currently led by a staff of exclusively white, able-bodied,…
Workforce Development
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag petersham school district ( Page 31 ) Workforce Development Programs Perkins Consortium The Collaborative for Educational Services, under its Workforce Development Programs…
Turners Falls High School says goodbye to Class of 2020
…the 2020 class should be proud of what we accomplished here at Turners Falls High School,” Peterson said. Friday’s commencement began at 6 p.m. on the Turners Falls High School…
Frontier keeps adding opportunities
…school opened Wednesday for the 2016-2017 school year for the first time. Last year, the school offered a total of 11 advanced placement courses. According to a news release from…
Heath Elementary’s new principal no stranger to town
HEATH — Heath Elementary School’s new principal, Jesse Porter-Henry, is no stranger to the school or the town. Porter-Henry grew up here and was a Mohawk High School student when…
Florence middle school teacher named Mohawk Trail’s new assistant principal
BUCKLAND — Come fall, Mohawk Trail Regional School students will see a new face in the classroom and around the halls. Diane Zamer started as Mohawk Trail’s new assistant principal…
Preschool playground at Crocker Farm Elementary School in Amherst officially opens
…rocks to play with, school officials said. Crocker Farm’s about 70 preschool students are divided into classes of 15. About half of those students are those with special needs, while…
Hinds and Blais say launch of Rural Schools Commission ‘a big win’ for region
…enrollment factor in the existing rural school aid formula. The state provided rural school aid of $1.1 million to schools in Franklin County and the North Quabbin area this year….
“Getting to Know Me” Brings Students the Power to Succeed
…transitioning to the program after a period of struggle. CES runs this alternative learning program for high school students from area schools who have not been successful in a traditional…