…at Federal Street School, and Daiangeliss Mercado, 8, a third-grader there, are among the English-as-a-second-language learners participating in teacher Karen Malley’s gardening project. “Wait until you see the garden,” José…
Search Results
Pioneer science teacher Penney Betsold earns Grinspoon award
NORTHFIELD — The fact that Pioneer Valley Regional School science teacher Penney Betsold is this year’s winner of the Grinspoon Award for Excellence in Teaching came as no surprise to…
Belchertown teacher named Grammy Music Educator Award finalist
BELCHERTOWN — Swift River Elementary School teacher Geoffrey Gould is in the running to take home Grammy gold on Sunday after being chosen as a finalist for the Grammy Music…
Teacher Lauren Brown set to temporarily lead Northampton’s Jackson Street School
NORTHAMPTON — A fifth grade teacher who is training to be a school leader has been named Jackson Street School’s interim principal for next school year. Superintendent John Provost announced…
Technology in Education Relies on Both Student and Educator Voice
Over 200 elementary and secondary educators swapped stories, gained inspiration, and heard from innovative students, fellow teachers, and administrators about new projects and practices involving technology in the classroom; at…
Occupational Therapy Center develops new strategies
…every homeschool day with “OT time”, which includes a variety of sensory motor activities, with academic practice like math facts and spelling woven in. “It’s been an effective model, and…
Technology in Education Relies on Both Student and Educator Voice
Over 200 elementary and secondary educators swapped stories, gained inspiration, and heard from innovative students, fellow teachers, and administrators about new projects and practices involving technology in the classroom; at…
Bringing STEM to life: In cross-pond collaboration, JFK students team up with counterparts in England
…a different aspect of water and how humans need it pure to survive. What separates the Global STEM — which stands for science, technology, engineering and math — elective from…
Gov. Baker agrees to major spending increase in his final budget
…we started with a budget deficit of varying proportions, depending upon how you do the math, and the Rainy Day Fund had somewhere around a billion dollars in it. At…
Five Franklin county schools earn ‘Green Team’ awards
Five Franklin County schools were recognized by the state for their outstanding work in an environmental education program. Greenfield High School, Federal Street School, Math and Science Academy, Bernardston Elementary…