…such as: Building Awareness and Culture, Building Learning Partnerships, Building Intellective Capacity, Examining Bias, Examining Bias in the Curriculum, and others. The book is included in the price of the…
Search Results
Healthy Hampshire
…for: blog blog tag massachusetts school building authority ( Page 35 ) Building communities that support nourished, active, and joyful residents Mission The mission of Healthy Hampshire is to engage…
$100,000 Urban Agenda Grant Awarded to Enhance Food Security and Community Leadership in Hampshire County
…what food justice can be in the valley and how we can support one another to achieve that”, adds T Sogoba, the Capacity Building Coordinator for the HCFPC. Hampshire County…
Strategic Planning
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag massachusetts school building authority ( Page 35 ) Your strategic plan can be focused, and integrate multiple voices A good strategic plan…
Dean Tech Students Learn High-Tech Skills by Moving Robots
…the school as part of a grant through the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center. Students first build robots out of Lego building blocks. After plugging the robots into school computers, students…
No more homework? Greenfield elementary schools rethink approach
…to have the families engaged and participating in the student learning, to reinforce what’s happening at school,” Toomey said. “We wanted to take the pressure and angst off of schoolwork…
Voice and Choice: Mount Tom offers students a supportive and non traditional road to success after graduation
…Hampshire, Hampden and Franklin county school districts, and students graduate from their sending schools. With the smaller class sizes, there is an additional level of flexibility that students thrive on…
CES Instructor Danielle Maco earns BreakFree Educator Badge
As a Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) Instructor at the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services’ RFK Girls Treatment facility, Danielle Maco had been using components of the monthly BreakFree Education…
Graduation Rates Up, Dropouts Down in Massachusetts High Schools
Massachusetts four-year high school graduation rates climbed for the ninth year in a row in 2015 with some of the largest gains recorded by some minority groups and students from…
Connecticut Valley Superintendents Roundtable Hosts Massachusetts Legislators
Thirty-four Connecticut Valley Superintendents Roundtable (CVSR) members represented their Western Massachusetts school districts on Friday in discussions with legislators at the Delaney House in Holyoke, MA. Superintendents discussed their concerns…