…$6,840 for cafeteria staffing on those days; and $7,230 on school utilities. So far this school year, Hawlemont and all the Mohawk district schools have been closed for four academic…
Search Results
At state budget hearing at GCC, school officials share unique challenges faced by rural districts
…level, though, legislators, school officials and community members from up and down the Pioneer Valley honed in on one of the most important local education issues: rural school funding. In…
Turners Falls Schools to see all new administrators
…principal position. Previously, was principal of preschool through eighth grade in the Winchester, N.H., public school district. He has also been assistant principal of Pioneer Valley Regional School, an elementary…
More state aid for rural schools this year
…schools and the grant program that provides financial assistance to the state’s most rural schools, several of which are in Franklin County. The Rural School Aid grant program helps school…
Northampton School officials approve elementary school revamp
NORTHAMPTON — Students in the city’s elementary schools will see a major shift in the way they are taught in the coming academic year. The School Committee on Thursday unanimously…
Northampton School Board Expected To Decide Among Three Finalists Wednesday For New City Schools Chief
…with a planned decision by the school board. The three finalists, chosen from a pool of 16 applicants for the superintendent’s job, are: Timothy Lee, principal of Morris elementary school…
Understanding & Navigating the New Massachusetts IEP: An introductory course
The new Massachusetts IEP is much more student oriented, and personalized, and classroom teachers will be more involved in informing the document and the process than in the past. This…
Course Catalog
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag massachusetts school building authority ( Page 23 ) Licensure Course Catalog CES Licensure courses for educators and aspiring educators are convenient, engaging,…
Greenfield’s Federal Street School teacher plans gardening curriculum for English language learners
GREENFIELD — José Colón Martínez headed up the hill behind the Leyden Woods office building last week holding an umbrella overhead and donning a huge smile. José, 9, a fourth-grader…
Family Centers and Playgroups
…than just a gathering place for children. Home E Search query for: blog blog tag massachusetts school building authority ( Page 23 ) CES CFCE Family Centers and…