…schools across the Commonwealth, to be aired in a special broadcast at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9. Massachusetts Commencement 2020 will feature congratulatory remarks from Jason and Devin McCourty…
Search Results
Holliston’s Jackson named Massachusetts Superintendent of the Year
…Jackson has served as school superintendent in Holliston since 2004. He also serves as president of the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents. Before coming to Holliston, Jackson was assistant superintendent…
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag massachusetts school building authority ( Page 10 ) Municipal and School Policy Resources The CDC defines policy as “A law, regulation, procedure,…
Sparsity Aid for rural schools? Mohawk mulls rural school assoc.
…Trail Regional School on March 23 to discuss forming a Massachusetts Rural Schools Association. The association is to address issues that school systems in densely populated regions don’t face. Superintendent…
Attleboro youngsters prepare for school with local/state program
…for the transition to the new school year, city schools and the YMCA led community-wide recruitment/enrollment efforts and coordinated transportation for students attending summer school in the morning and camp…
State Legislators and School District Superintendents Gather to Discuss School Funding
…of Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools; Michael Buoniconti, Superintendent of Mohawk Trail Regional School District; and John Provost, Superintendent, Northampton Public School; introduced critical topics, and provided research for small group…
State Senate OKs rural school aid for county districts
After years of state, school and town officials beating the drum for rural school aid, rural districts, including Mohawk, Frontier, Pioneer Valley, and the 19 member-town Franklin County Technical School…
State board rejects Hadley Chinese charter school expansion
…schools, and special education children often returning to Amherst after being enrolled in the Hadley school. Barbara Madeloni, president of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, spoke at the beginning of the…
Workforce Development offers students opportunity and growth
The first School to Work program was offered by the Hampshire Educational Collaborative (HEC) in 1974, after being requested by area educators. This offering provided vocational instruction for high school…
After School program coming to Easthampton High School
The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) 21st Century After School program has received three year grant funding to open an out-of-school time (OST) program at Easthampton High School. The program…