…that will result in the closing of two or more schools.School choice ■ Cap school choice for rural districts. DESE should measure the impact of school choice, vocational schools and…
Search Results
Hampshire Regional High School students lead social distance-friendly virtual graduation with speeches, tassel turning
On Friday, Anne Curran, salutatorian and class president of Hampshire Regional High School, asked graduates to please rise during the high school’s graduation. Through a virtual event, viewers can see…
Caps and gowns to make a statement at Turners Falls
…the school committee members present for the vote Tuesday. Turners joins other schools in Franklin County with gender-neutral gowns, including Greenfield, Mohawk, Frontier, Mahar and Franklin County Technical School. Pioneer…
Gill-Montague school officials ready to determine uses for $110k regionalization grant
TURNERS FALLS — Gill-Montague Regional School District officials are excited to determine the most beneficial uses of a $110,000 grant for regionalization and shared services between school districts, according to…
Member District Superintendents
…Regional Gill-Montague Regional Greenfield Hawlemont Regional Leverett Mohawk Trail Regional New Salem and Wendell Orange Public Schools Pioneer Valley Regional R C Mahar Regional Rowe Elementary Shutesbury Sunderland Whately Public…
Local School Business Official Earns North American School Finance and Operations Credential
RESTON, VA – Barbara Siegel, SFO, a school business official with Collaborative for Educational Services located in Northampton, MA was recently awarded the Certified Administrator of School Finance and Operations…
Amherst Middle School After School VELA program continues with strong remote format
When Covid 19 closed schools this past spring, the Amherst Middle School VELA After School program quickly moved to provide the program remotely to support students and the school community….
CES After School program receives grant for Dexter Park Elementary in Orange
…a majority of the work for the schools as the schools reap the benefits of having a high quality after school and summer program that operates within their school building….
Rural schools to push for millions more in state aid
…Quabbin Regional School District Superintendent Maureen Marshall. “$9 million is chump change, when you’re talking $9 million out of a multi-billion dollar (state) budget.” Buoniconti, the Mohawk Trail Regional School…
Pioneer Valley residents testify in favor of rural school aid bill
…districts that are interested in shared services or regionalization, among other provisions. Leading the charge was the Gateway Regional School District, which brought its superintendent, several staff members, high schoolers…