Children with disabilities and their families face significant barriers to accessing equitable and inclusive high-quality early childhood programs. Home 9 Search query for: blog blog tag mahar regional…
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Graduating junior firefighters recognized by Colrain Firefighters’ Association with signs
…Mattson of Frontier Regional School; Matt Colby of Franklin County Technical School; Megan Dyer of Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School; and Tyler Broughton of Mohawk Trail Regional School. “We…
Pioneer picks Miller as new superintendent
NORTHFIELD, MA — The Pioneer Valley Regional School District has picked a new superintendent. The School Committee will soon begin to work out a contract with Ruth Miller, the current…
New supt. of Mohawk Trail, Hawlemont districts hopes to be strong advocate for rural education
BUCKLAND — Sheryl Stanton, the new superintendent of Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont Regional school districts, may never have found a career in education if it h a d n’t been…
Gazda named director of region’s educational resource center
…a law degree in the mid 1990s. But the Middlefield native later became a social studies and English teacher at Gateway Regional Middle School in Huntington and then the school’s…
Representatives from Rural Schools and Communities Gather at Tuesday Summit in Shelburne
Select committee members, finance committee members, members of school committees and superintendents of schools from multiple Franklin, Berkshire, and Hampshire county communities, as well as superintendents from rural areas in…
Pioneer Special Olympics bowling group connects ‘unified buddies’ with student athletes
…Regional School District’s Special Olympics bowling season. The annual program is organized by Sue Scott, the physical education teacher at Pioneer Valley Regional School and Bernardston Elementary School. “It gives…
Excellence In Education: Living our Guiding Principles Awards – February and March winners announced
…Region: Sharyn Chamberlain, Teaching Coordinator at Kennedy School This year Sharyn became the Teaching Coordinator at Kennedy School, and before that she taught for twelve years in DYS schools in…
English Learner Education
…blog tag mahar regional school ( Page 33 ) Supporting Multilingual Learners Our Approach We use a whole-child, whole-school, and whole-community approach to create a better learning experience for both…
My Turn: Our educational landscape: Charter schools’ negative impact in area
…schools, private schools, parochial schools, or home schooling. This means only 88 percent of the shrinking school population are attending regular (non-charter) public schools — a big reason our districts…