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Results for "blog blog tag life skills"

400 Attend Annual DYS Art Showcase

…more.Work ranged from small still life pieces of nature, people and and the artist’s surroundings, to sculpture, traditional fiber work, interpretations, and life sized social commentary. Some used everyday items…

DYS – Watching our Youth Succeed

…work in the classroom. Central Region’s graduation theme, “Life is a marathon, not a sprint” was emphasized by speakers who encouraged youth to learn and grow from their mistakes. Central…

School Readiness Institute

…in young children’s social-emotional development needs, play skills and challenging behaviors. This has been significantly exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Collaborative for Educational Services is working to design a…

Migrant Education Program

…their ability to succeed in school.     Home E Search query for: blog blog tag life skills ( Page 9 ) We open doors. We connect people. Our Program…

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