…Our Mission The mission of the Collaborative for Educational Services is to develop and foster lifelong learning and to provide opportunities for wellbeing for all of the communities we work…
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Jacqueline LaFrance
…hundred years of history at the elementary school buildings in Easthampton, commemorating their move to a new elementary school (see blog post with more information). Her presentation also included local…
Playful Learning through Intentional Teaching
…positive impact on kindergarten teaching in her district. Here is the link to her recent post on the MESPA blog, Principals Supporting Principals: Play Ball! A Home Run for Kindergarten…
…health education. Home E Search query for: blog blog tag life skills ( Page 2 ) Schools Youth substance use prevention is founded on the theory that by reducing…
Where Now?
…strong cognitive skills without non-cognitive “soft skills” such as focus, persistence, and getting along with others. Indeed, the two categories of skills may be more linked than we realize.” The…
Bringing STEM to life: In cross-pond collaboration, JFK students team up with counterparts in England
NORTHAMPTON — Seventh-graders in the community room of JFK Middle School scoot their chairs toward the front of the room as three uniformed boys appear on a large screen. “Hello!…
New Frontier superintendent champions experience in learning and life
WHATELY, MA — Lynn M. Carey, new superintendent of the Frontier Regional School District, sits inside her new office in the administration building on Christian Lane, behind a freshly inscribed…
Memories to guide Smith Academy graduates into life’s next stage
HATFIELD — There are three main features of Smith Academy that Class of 2019 valedictorian Maia Seetal said she will always remember. The first, she said, were cheap $3 school…
Author talks to high school students about trauma, life
GREENFIELD — Award-winning young adult author A.S. King asked several hundred Greenfield High School students Friday morning to look for their “own cans of succotash and examine their suitcases.” Before…
Excellence In Education: Living our Guiding Principles Awards – February and March winners announced
…mission to improve the academic and life outcomes for the youth they serve. February 2022 Western Region: Erin White, Western Region Instructional Coach – Erin was nominated by the teachers…