Home E Search query for: blog blog tag life skills ( Page 12 ) To Make a Contribution You can contribute online to the CES Funds listed below, or you…
Search Results
…the ages of 15 to 35. When we consider the speed at which tech evolves and where tech was during those ages of their life, people realize the standard they’re…
$100,000 Urban Agenda Grant Awarded to Enhance Food Security and Community Leadership in Hampshire County
…project aligns with the Governor’s Black and Latino Advisory Commissions’ recommendations, building valuable skills that will enhance employability, participation in civic life, and capacity to impact local food systems. “This…
Jenna Biscoe
…2019. After exploring Administrative options, Jenna discovered that her real passion remains being in the classroom. She is currently a teacher in the Life Skills Program, Elementary level, for Springfield…
CES Early Childhood Team Begins Nurturing Caring Kids Program
…community and the general public.The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society. Since 2001,…
How Children Can Become Caring Community Members
…a life-altering pandemic and deep political divisions, we can likely all agree that the world would benefit greatly if children today learn to treat others well. This rings true for…
Edna Olive
…coaching in strengthening leadership skills. Her background in project and team management includes working in school redesign and reform, culture and climate, leadership development, crisis/change management, and complex, multi-layered problem-solving….
Lori Allen
…licensure in Massachusetts for Moderate Special Needs. Lori has worked with students and adults from ages infant to 35 as a life skills coach, job coach and Special Education teacher….
Occupational Therapy Center develops new strategies
…families or providers are seeing, and what types of services OT could offer to help. The areas they address include gross motor skills, fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills, ADLs,…
Paraprofessional Training
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag life skills ( Page 12 ) The CES Paraprofessional Course Series There are over 1 million paraprofessionals currently serving in U.S. schools….