…notified by May 31. Recipients will be selected on the basis of their academic record and financial need. Donations to the fund are tax deductible. For more information visit: http:/www.collaborative.org/schumanscholarship…
Search Results
Gill-Montague to talk, hold forums on racial issues
…School Committee meeting, where Sullivan presented a memo he wrote, as well as the secondary school, to the board announcing forums, providing information for people who wish to submit a…
CES launches statewide training program to help early childhood educators assess and respond to children’s needs
…other agencies and organizations providing support to early childhood educators and providers throughout the state, including Readiness Centers and Educator and Provider Support (EPS) grantees. For more information visit: http://www.ec-art.org…
Science fun for Early Childhood CFCE families at the Hitchcock Center in Amherst
…kindergarten, located in seventeen local communities and run by the Collaborative for Educational Services in Northampton, MA. The programs are free and run all year round. For more information about…
Leave no child’s school district behind
…and signed by 16 of the 19 superintendents in Franklin and Hampshire counties, including each of us. We respect the legislative process and hope to contribute vital information to the…
Gateway’s ‘blizzard bags’ cut makeup days in sunny June
…committees. Gateway officials sent follow-up information about the program to the education department last week, Hopson said. The education department has laid out guidelines for what it prefers to call…
Safe and Healthy Schools Summit draws educators in discussion of how to manage race, polarizing conversations in schools
…go back with some information that hopefully, our administration will ask us about and try to incorporate that feedback into changes,” said Custard. Keeping in mind that each student and…
Collaborative for Educational Services Executive Director Announces Plans for Reitrement
…the position. For more information, visit https://www.collaborative.org/employment/executive-director. About the Collaborative for Educational Services Located in Northampton, MA since 1974, the Collaborative for Educational Services is a non-profit educational services agency,…
Erving event connects youth to local history
…together information about previous residents’ lives and pinpointed where they had lived. Through a program coordinated by the school’s library and a Massachusetts Cultural Council grant, the classes worked with…
Easthampton adults won’t buy alcohol for minors
…sight at all times during the survey. Shoulder Taps are one of several prevention activities conducted by SPIFFY and Easthampton Police throughout the year. For more information, please visit www.spiffycoalition.org….