…research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences. Collaborator 4a. Dedicate planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create authentic learning experiences that leverage technology….
Search Results
Brian Whitehouse
…languages, ESL, mathematics, athletics, game design, technology, and research methods at the middle school, high school, and college levels. In addition, he works with teachers in courses in pedagogy and…
Announcing the CES Center for Emerging Educational Practice website launch
…instructional technology, research, and evaluation—to advance education through comprehensive and customized approaches, grounded in an equity lens and responding to challenging district, school, and educator concerns. The Center for Emerging…
Generative AI: Critical Engagement Toolkit
…potential, this session will set you on a path to exploring your relationship with this emerging technology and prepare you to engage in meaningful conversations with colleagues and your students….
Rebecca Mazur Ph.D.
…artificial intelligence, and provides consultation, professional development to K-12 educators, administrators, schools, and districts. Learn more about our Research and Evaluation Services Learn more about our Technology in Education Services…
…have little to gain. This observation was affirmed by pre- and post-session data. I reframe this attitude by explaining the research that our schema for understanding technology is established between…
Jan Hollenbeck
…secondary transition services, assistive technology, and Section 504 for a Massachusetts Public School District. She received her BS and OTD degrees in occupational therapy from Tufts University – Boston School…
Commissioner Announces 2021 Massachusetts Teacher of the Year Malden middle school math teacher Jennifer Hedrington receives state’s top educator award
…recognize the importance and value of engaging science, technology, engineering and mathematics education in our classrooms throughout the Commonwealth,” said Lt. Governor Karyn Polito. “Ms. Hedrington is an excellent math…
Local educators celebrate Pioneer Valley Excellence in Teaching Awards
…them be lifelong learners and savvy users and creators of technology.” This year’s winners in Franklin and Hampshire Counties are Amherst-Pelham regional School District – Timothy Austin, Meg Gallagher, Rebecca…
How do you use iPads and tablets?
…primary technology skills like “drag and drop.” As schools are looking into using iPads/tablets to to support formative assessment through observation and documentation and to support children’s learning in the…