NORTHAMPTON — Efforts to prevent drug and alcohol use among young people will expand in middle schools in Easthampton, South Hadley and Hadley as well as in Amherst–Pelham and Hampshire…
Search Results
Harvard Graduate School of Education launches major early childhood initiative
…drive policy and practice, strengthening the field through high-quality professional learning, cultivating new leaders in the field, and bringing credible evidence to bear on public policy affecting young children. By…
Peruse those Privacy Policies
…and dread? When exploring privacy policies, it’s not just to protect you and your data. The privacy policy (and terms of use) gives you a deeper understanding of the app…
In face of homework bans, local educators a voice for moderation
…skill, according to the teacher. “(Students) learn how to multitask,” she said. Not all elementary school teachers agree. In August, the no-homework policy of a second-grade teacher in Texas went…
Equity Teams
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag healthy hampshire county food policy council ( Page 15 ) Building Equity Teams Addressing inequities in schools requires that adults and young…
Workforce Development
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag healthy hampshire county food policy council ( Page 15 ) Workforce Development Programs Perkins Consortium The Collaborative for Educational Services, under its…
William Erickson
…career as a teacher in Auburn and Hadley, a Middle School Principal in Easthampton, and a Superintendent of Schools in Vermont and in the Hampshire Regional Schools. His avid interest…
HEC Academy students support Monte’s March
HEC Academy students joined Monte Belmonte yesterday afternoon for part of his annual “Monte’s March” to raise awareness and funds for the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts. HEC Academy students…
Excellence In Education: Living our Guiding Principles Awards – April and May winners announced
…the Spectrum Girls students celebrated the culture of a student whose family comes from Ghana with Ghanaian food and stories as part of an EYF project The Ghanaian food that…
Monte’s March
…Belmonte, host of the local radio station WRSI-FM, had organized “Monte’s March”, raising money for the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts by pushing an empty shopping cart from Northampton to…