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Results for "blog blog tag healthy hampshire county food policy council"

Prevention and Health Equity

hampshire county food policy council ( Page 12 ) Prevention and Health Equity We actively support the leadership of people of color, the LGBTQIA+ population, those with diverse abilities, and…

Chocolate milk is heading back to school

WASHINGTON — Chocolate milk is coming back on the school lunch menu. So are white bread and saltier food. Several paragraphs tucked into a massive 1,665-page government spending bill released…

Northampton Public Schools receive FRESH grant

…for activities like school gardens that help students learn about agriculture, food production and distribution.” “Learning about food, how it’s produced, and where it comes from can positively impact students’…

Franklin County has two Schools of Recognition

Two Franklin County schools are among the 67 recognized by the state for strong MCAS achievement or for exceeding their performance targets. Whately Elementary School and Swift River School in…

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