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Results for "blog blog tag global learning fellowship"

Art Inspires at HEC Academy

…is a public day special education program in Northampton, supporting local districts and students with a small school learning environment for high school aged students with learning disabilities, and/or social,…

Grading for Equity Book Study

learning practices. Through this experience, we will move away from basing our practice on extrinsic reinforcement and consequences, and approach grading with empathy, trust, and belief in the capacity of…

Academic Language

…facilitate teacher understanding of how academic language impacts learning. Participants will investigate: Why some students will develop stronger academic language skills than others unless academic language features are explicitly taught,…

Capstone: Implementing Best Practices

…in their school or classroom, relating to an area of concern the candidate has regarding their students and their learning and/or ability to be successful in school. Typically the area…

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