…promise to them by providing access to equitable and excellent educational opportunities. The U.S. Department of Education stands ready to support states and local districts as they welcome these important new members…
Search Results
National Endowment for the Arts award will support local arts integration program for girls in the juvenile justice system
…organizations such as the Collaborative for Educational Services, in serving their communities by providing excellent and accessible arts experiences.” Woody Clift, Director of DYS Education Initiative at CES, noted, ”We…
Dean Tech Students Learn High-Tech Skills by Moving Robots
…Program funded through a Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 21st Century Afterschool grant. The Collaborative for Educational Services, which has been managing Dean for the past two years, worked…
Youth substance abuse prevention programs get state funding
…Prevention Grant Programs. The grants will be distributed over eight years, beginning in FY22 through FY29, to support local substance use prevention efforts. The program is funded through the Substance…
Teaching Disability History: How the Civil War Changed Disability and American Government
Join us for the release of an exciting new curriculum: Reform to Equal Rights! A Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources grant supported Emerging America to create a free…
Exemplary Status for four CES-run After School Programs
Four after school programs managed by the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) have been awarded Exemplary status from the Exemplary Grant Program of the Massachusetts 21st CCLC Exemplary program, supported…
Urban legislators don’t get the struggle to fund large, rural bus routes
…financial burden of running a district across nine sparsely populated and relatively poor towns. Mohawk is hardly alone. There are 80 regional districts in the state. To encourage rural towns…
The Amherst regional school consolidation question
…issues, including the possibility of consolidating the Regional Middle and High Schools into a single building. The district has begun to explore both the financial efficiencies and the potential educational…
Despite Claims, PVCICS is Not a Model of Integrated K-12 Public Education
…but let’s not pretend that it is a model for educational equity. We note with pride that Horace Mann, the first Secretary of Education in Massachusetts, was a pioneer for…
50 Years of Belonging and Community for Students with Disabilities
In 1974, the Massachusetts special education law Chapter 766 was passed, which required that all school districts provide education in a new and more inclusive way for students with special…