…organization’s needs. To the right are just a few of our open enrollment, active upcoming offerings. Please click the button below to see more. Recent Posts Our Blog Early Childhood…
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Past Project Experience & Resources
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag computers ( Page 2 ) Suggested Resources from Past Projects CES has extensive experience working with EEC certified providers as well as…
Check Your Facts (easily)
…and can make the steps a little easier. Here are a few that we’re particularly pumped about. (You can read the full post on Google’s blog The Keyword.) The highly…
Jacqueline LaFrance
…hundred years of history at the elementary school buildings in Easthampton, commemorating their move to a new elementary school (see blog post with more information). Her presentation also included local…
Playful Learning through Intentional Teaching
…positive impact on kindergarten teaching in her district. Here is the link to her recent post on the MESPA blog, Principals Supporting Principals: Play Ball! A Home Run for Kindergarten…
‘Hour of Code’ engages Pioneer Valley students
…the point was to begin exploring the technology they use every day. “Myth: code is mysterious and inaccessible,” said Cheney, of Northampton. “Computers are predictable, consistent and deterministic.” Mount Tom…
Dean Tech Students Learn High-Tech Skills by Moving Robots
…the school as part of a grant through the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center. Students first build robots out of Lego building blocks. After plugging the robots into school computers, students…
Greenfield mulls how to fund school technology needs
…agreed that the current ways to pay for new technology, like computers and software for students and staff, was not a sustainable approach. In recent years, the school has looked…
‘Homework gap’ shows millions of students lack home internet
…alike. In what has become known as the homework gap, an estimated 17% of U.S. students do not have access to computers at home and 18% do not have home…
Jeanne Tuthill
…allows Jeanne to combine her love for working with children and helping them develop their communication skills with her interest in computers and technology. To learn more about CES Assistive…