…as the Office of the Secretary of Education. With the enactment of the Safe and Supportive Schools provisions in August of 2014, Massachusetts becomes a national leader in supporting schools…
Search Results
Lia Atanat
…Boston College, and a Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. She has previously taught academic English in Turkey and worked as a historic site educator in Boston….
Bill S.261 would support literacy intervention programs in Massachusetts
…Public Schools, said the bill would “reduce unnecessary special education referrals.” “We’re at 19.6 percent of BPS students needing special education, that’s one fifth,” she said. “Serious thought needs to…
Assabet Valley Collaborative students make video to connect with Taylor Swift
MARLBORO, MA – The Assabet Valley Collaborative, which works with 15 school districts including Marlborough, Maynard, Grafton and Hudson Public Schools, is hoping that Taylor Swift will see the video…
Holliston’s Jackson named Massachusetts Superintendent of the Year
…administrator for Hudson and Litchfield (New Hampshire) Public Schools. He holds a doctorate in educational leadership from Boston College’s Lynch School of Education and Human Development, according to the announcement….
Northampton Public Schools receive FRESH grant
The Northampton Public School District was one of 17 recipients of a Massachusetts Farming Reinforces Education and Student Health (FRESH) grant. Awards which total $300,000 to Expand Nutrition Learning Opportunities…
Raising MCAS bar was a move in the wrong direction
…the needs of today’s schools, students, or society. Todd Gazda is executive director the Collaborative for Educational Services in Northampton. He formerly served as superintendent of the Ludlow Public Schools….
Scholar and Common Core critic Yong Zhao says schools need to rethink use of classroom technology
…from other countries as a sign that U.S. public schools are failing, he believes there is another side to that story. “In more homogenous societies like Finland and China, it’s…
Representatives from Rural Schools and Communities Gather at Tuesday Summit in Shelburne
Select committee members, finance committee members, members of school committees and superintendents of schools from multiple Franklin, Berkshire, and Hampshire county communities, as well as superintendents from rural areas in…
Share Your Art – Share Your Voice! Statewide Exhibition Showcases the Work and Accomplishments of Youth Involved with Department of Youth Services
BOSTON – Creating art and positive opportunities gives youth a chance to find their voice and understand their own lives as well as the world around them. The second annual…