…school officials to Mohawk Trail Regional School to discuss forming a group to “represent interests peculiar to rural districts” that are not represented by either state school associations. Monday’s meeting…
Search Results
Orange committee to discuss name and budget for new school on Thursday
…issues related to the Orange school building project will be discussed at the next meeting of the school building committee on Thursday at 6.15 p.m. at Ralph C. Mahar Regional…
Virginia educator chosen as next ARHS principal
AMHERST — Gene T. Jones, an education consultant from Virginia, was named principal of Amherst-Pelham Regional High School Thursday morning. Jones was selected for the position from among three finalists…
Staff shortages ‘adding a layer of stress’ at area school districts
…situation is dire in some cases, said Pioneer Valley Regional School District interim Superintendent Patricia Kinsella, with staff members in her district working well outside of their job descriptions to…
After School Program Locations
Home E Search query for: blog blog tag amhert pelham regional school ( Page 9 ) Franklin County 3 Dexter Street Orange, MA 01364 978.544.6080 (school) | jfleck@collaborative.org or jpowell@collaborative.org…
Four interim school administrators named in Easthampton, including Kevin Burke at high school
EASTHAMPTON, MA – Superintendent Nancy Follansbee has appointed four interim administrators for the city’s schools, including an interim principal for the high school. Easthampton High School assistant principal Kevin Burke…
Individualized ceremonies to be edited into video of Mohawk Trail Regional School’s graduation
BUCKLAND — While it might be traditional for a speaker to thank everyone who attends a graduation ceremony, in a socially distant commencement on Sunday, Mohawk Trail Regional School Salutatorian…
Sparsity Aid for rural schools? Mohawk mulls rural school assoc.
…Trail Regional School on March 23 to discuss forming a Massachusetts Rural Schools Association. The association is to address issues that school systems in densely populated regions don’t face. Superintendent…
Berkshire County weeks from having only special education public day school
…are targeted toward the districts of Northern Berkshire School Union, Mount Greylock Regional School District, Adams-Cheshire Regional School District, Northern Berkshire Regional Vocational Technical School and North Adams Public Schools….
Diego Sharon named new principal of Amherst Regional Middle School
AMHERST — Diego Sharon, dean of students at Amherst Regional Middle School, will begin his tenure as the school’s new principal on July 1. On Thursday, Superintendent Michael Morris named…