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Franklin County Technical School receives grant for tree nursery
…came to fruition last year when David Detmold, chairman of the Montague Tree Advisory Committee, joined the effort and Richardson brought the school on board. The Tech School and the…
Deepening Paraeducator Skills at Erving Elementary School
The day begins at Erving Elementary School, and Principal Jim Trill’s team of educators are ready. As students leave their cars and buses, they run for the school entrance, where…
White Brook Middle School students in Easthampton aim to show power of kindness with Pay it Forward Challenge
EASTHAMPTON, MA – Students at White Brook Middle School aim to show just how strong the power of kindness is as they attempt to spread good deeds around their school,…
State education secretary takes to airwaves with a message: make school attendance ‘a priority’
…— defined under state law as missing at least 10% of school days in a school year — is linked to lower social engagement as well as slower achievement in reading and math. Officials worry…
Turners Falls High School seniors surprised with parade
…Seniors at Turners Falls High School, probably like at most other high schools, are reportedly less than thrilled. “They’re heartbroken,” said Jen Luciano, a seventh-grade teacher at Turners Falls High…
Greenfield mulls how to fund school technology needs
GREENFIELD — How Greenfield should look to fund the school district’s constantly growing technology needs provoked a robust conservation at an afternoon school subcommittee meeting this week. Quickly it was…
William Evans named Easthampton High School’s new principal
EASTHAMPTON — William Evans, outgoing principal of North Brookfield High School, will take over as principal of Easthampton High School on July 1. “It seems like a terrific school,” Evans,…
Principal among new faces at Conway Grammar School
CONWAY, MA — There were a lot of new faces this year at the Conway Grammar School during the first day of school on Wednesday, and not just among students….
In face of homework bans, local educators a voice for moderation
…to bed early.” This year, a growing number of schools are following the “no-homework” trend. Kelly Full Service Community School in Holyoke banned homework after the school’s district extended the…