…words and accompanying sentences for this year’s bee. A new character making an appearance will be Ivana Correctya, a grammar-loving comedic diva portrayed by local children’s book author Lisa Papademetriou….
Search Results
9th Annual Safe and Healthy Schools Summit: Supporting Schools in Seeking Racial Healing in Polarizing Times
…polarizing conversations in pursuit of racial healing. Thursday, November 17, 2022 from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM at the Log Cabin in Holyoke. Registration and breakfast 7:00 AM to 8:00…
Laurel Dickey
…Interventionist in several school districts in Western Massachusetts and supports various regional early literacy efforts. She is also the author of a number of beginning reading books used with primary…
Regina Tate
…She is the author of a number of articles on various aspects of education and employment issues in the public sector.Ms. Tate is a summa cum laude graduate of Chestnut…
Sarah Bialek
…principal working with students, teachers, and parents around school discipline issues. She supported Denver Public Schools observing teacher instruction and offering feedback for improvement. Sarah is a co-author of the…
Grant Will Boost College’s Efforts To Teach Disability History in Rural Communities
…on July 8, 2025, of school-age teachers, instructors of pre-service teachers, disability historians, disability studies educators, and disability rights advocates from across the U.S. to discuss ways to expand and…
Education Team Leader Training
Special Education Team Leader Institute CT Planning & Placement Team Leader Institute Home E Search query for: blog blog author emharris page 2 ( Page 5 ) The Special Education…
Sebastiaan Faber
Sebastiaan Faber is faculty in the Department of Hispanic Studies at Oberlin College. Faber is the author of Anglo-American Hispanists and the Spanish Civil War. https://alba-valb.org/who-we-are/about/
Peter N. Carroll
Peter N. Carroll is emeritus faculty in the Department of History at Stanford University. Carroll is the author of The Odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade: Americans in the Spanish…
Jan Hollenbeck
…of Occupational Therapy and her MS degree from Boston University with a specialty in pediatrics. She is first author of the Guidelines for Provision of Occupational Therapy Services in Massachusetts…