…completion of written feedback. (Teachers from other states will get a letter documenting participation). PDPs will be rewarded after completion of curriculum pilot. Learn more about the new curriculum: https://www.emergingamerica.org/blog/new-mini-units-will-integrate-disability-history-across-k-12-curriculum…
Search Results
Research & Evaluation
Home E Search query for: blog blog author emharris page 2 ( Page 2 ) Your Learning Partners Our Approach We see ourselves as your learning partners — We come…
Springfield Treatment Center wins first place in nationwide read-a-thon for students residing in juvenile justice facilities.
…series of prompts. Teachers submitted the reviews to CEEAS to be posted on the Unbound book review blog. More than 2,000 students participated in the read-a-thon. Brian Barrett, Teaching Coordinator…
…services. CES offers direct, cost-effective, quality services and programs for vulnerable children, youth and families. Birth – 22 Programs at CES include educational and learning programs provided directly to students…
Past Project Experience & Resources
Home E Search query for: blog blog author emharris page 2 ( Page 2 ) Suggested Resources from Past Projects CES has extensive experience working with EEC certified providers as…
Jacqueline LaFrance
…hundred years of history at the elementary school buildings in Easthampton, commemorating their move to a new elementary school (see blog post with more information). Her presentation also included local…
Playful Learning through Intentional Teaching
…positive impact on kindergarten teaching in her district. Here is the link to her recent post on the MESPA blog, Principals Supporting Principals: Play Ball! A Home Run for Kindergarten…
David L. Hudson Jr.
David L. Hudson, Jr., an Assistant Professor of Law, teaches Legal Information and Communication at Belmont University. He is the author, co-author, or co-editor of more than 40 books. For…
“My Students Love It!” – A Kindergarten Teacher’s Storytelling Journey
…says. The story can be as short as the child wants or as long as the page. Later on in the day, after lunch I say, “It’s that time of…
Chocolate milk is heading back to school
WASHINGTON — Chocolate milk is coming back on the school lunch menu. So are white bread and saltier food. Several paragraphs tucked into a massive 1,665-page government spending bill released…