…dedicate a large portion of our work to both quantitative and qualitative research initiatives. Home E Search query for: blog blog 2023 05 22 10th annual share your art…
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Northampton Education Foundation prepares for 15th annual Adult Spelling Bee
NORTHAMPTON, MA — Whether you fancy yourself a word wizard, or just enjoy crazy costumes and jokes about grammar, it’s not too late to form a team for the annual…
Check out UMass Amherst’s SPHHS In-Person Career Fair!
The University of Massachusetts Amherst’s School of Public Health and Health Sciences Career Center invites you to participate in their SPHHS In-Person Career Fair 2023. The event consists of an…
Board Meetings SY2023-24
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2023 05 22 10th annual share your art share your voice img 2673 ( Page 8 ) CES Board Meetings School Year 2022*]}*-2023…
First Annual Excellence in Education: Living our Guiding Principles Monthly Award
…They do so, in part, by embodying the guiding principles that the organization has embraced in their work with DYS. To recognize these educators, CES has introduced a monthly Excellence…
New MA IEP: Strategies for Including Student Voice
This shorter session is designed to offer participants a deeper dive and practice into specific elements of the new MA IEP forms and process. We will use sample profiles and…
In face of homework bans, local educators a voice for moderation
After nearly four decades in the classroom, second-grade teacher Johanna Korpita has seen the ebb and flow over how much — or how little — homework children should complete. So…
Developing Youth Leadership
Listen on Spotify In this Episode Today’s episode features the thoughts and expertise of Lisa Goldsmith, SPIFFY Coalition Manager. Lisa shares strategies for developing youth leadership while combating adultism –…
First annual Transforming Education for Social Justice conference to be held October 15th at Holyoke Community College.
The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) will host the first annual Transforming Education for Social Justice conference on October 15th, 2016, at Holyoke Community College. A goal of this conference…
Art therapy: Northampton authors launch new drawing webcasts to help kids, parents cope during pandemic
…every weekday 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time at youtube.com/studiojjk. Another Northampton resident, Kennedy Center Education Artistin- Residence Mo Willems, also launched a new webcast Monday called “LUNCH DOODLES with Mo…