…a point of view; seeking out and hearing the voice of your customers and stakeholders; saying what you want in as few words as possible; and the power of curiosity….
Search Results
Pioneer looks to start newspaper
…provide students with a better understanding of current events in their towns and allow them to “feel like they’ve had a significant voice in creating something new” at the school….
Commissioner Announces 2021 Massachusetts Teacher of the Year Malden middle school math teacher Jennifer Hedrington receives state’s top educator award
…Academy Leonard, part of the Lawrence Public Schools; Sheila Slawiak, a digital literacy/digital citizenship and computer science teacher at Wilbraham Middle School; and Matthew Williams, a culinary arts teacher at…
The election challenge: A race to the White House with this many turns has teachers scrambling
…students matched officials with their title and rank within the political hierarchy — from President Barack Obama to Northampton Mayor David Narkewicz. These elected officials represent our voice, he said….
$100,000 Urban Agenda Grant Awarded to Enhance Food Security and Community Leadership in Hampshire County
…from programs like this, I have become economically empowered and given a voice that has improved my community’s access to healthy food. The people I am working with care deeply…
Parents and Caregivers
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2023 05 22 10th annual share your art share your voice img 2673 ( Page 23 ) Parents and Caregivers Parents/caregivers can maximize…
Early Literacy and ParentChild+
…a classroom. As a parent, you are the gateway to your child’s language and literacy development. Home E Search query for: blog blog 2023 05 22 10th annual…
Curriculum Support
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2023 05 22 10th annual share your art share your voice img 2673 ( Page 23 ) DYS Curricula We are committed to…
Sensory Tools and Routines that Support Regulation in Early Childhood Classrooms
…needs of each. We will also explore ways to support the regulation of our whole group at once- through rhythm, sound, and voice. Finally, we will look at examples of…
State board rejects Hadley Chinese charter school expansion
…state’s Board of Elementary and Secondary Education on Monday turned down a proposed expansion to nearly double its enrollment. In a voice vote about four hours into its meeting in…