…voice in how their school is run. “All this boils down to relationships,” said Principal Joanne Menard (pronounced like “Joanie”). “Without relationships between students and staff, staff and staff, you…
Search Results
Baker to file stand-alone education bill
…falling apart in recent years when talks between House and Senate Democrats broke down. Baker, in his inaugural address, said he would be filing a proposal later when he offers…
About CES
…Home E Search query for: blog blog 2023 05 22 10th annual share your art share your voice img 2673 ( Page 16 ) Massachusetts Educational Collaboratives are non-profit educational…
Conway children raise money for ‘Monte’
CONWAY — “Here we are at our 2nd annual Monte’s March,” said Grammar School Principal Kristen Gordon, before entering the gymnasium where about 150 excited students sat cross legged on…
Governor Baker outlines plans for local aid increases
In next week’s annual budget proposal, Gov. Charlie Baker will call for a $91 million increase in education local aid, and a $40 million boost in unrestricted local aid to…
Two local school advocates tapped to lead state’s new Small and Rural Schools Committee
…hold its first meeting on May 2, which will allow its members to draft a mission statement and prepare for MASC’s annual Day on the Hill advocacy event at the…
Recent Massachusetts Graduates Tie For Top Score on ACT Test
STATE HOUSE, BOSTON, MA – Bay State high school students outperformed their peers in most other states on the annual ACT test, a benchmark for their college and career readiness,…
U.S. Department of Education Awards Nearly $115 Million to Help Increase Educator Compensation and Promote Educator Diversity
…disabilities and English learners.” The FY 2023 TSL grant competition prioritized activities that advance the Department’s goal of promoting educator diversity and career advancement opportunities for teachers that improve teacher…
Franklin Tech students take agriculture know-how to national convention
…which originally stood for “Future Farmers of America” before broadening in scope, annually hosts an event where tens of thousands of middle and high schoolers participate in leadership trainings, community…
Emerging America shares stories of advocacy
…the Massachusetts Community Service Learning Advisory Committee and was part of the group that, in 2018, persuaded the legislature to add a requirement for student-led civic engagement which included advocacy…