…scores reported in September 2021 dropped from pre-pandemic levels. Does anyone truly find this as a surprise? Throughout the pandemic schools, teachers and administrators labored to shift their instructional practices,…
Search Results
Research & Evaluation
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2021 09 28 gazda visit to rise program in springfield rise program visit 2 ( Page 4 ) Your Learning Partners Our Approach…
Social Justice in Education
…E Search query for: blog blog 2021 09 28 gazda visit to rise program in springfield rise program visit 2 ( Page 4 ) Joy and Justice in Schools Our…
AI in the Classroom
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2021 09 28 gazda visit to rise program in springfield rise program visit 2 ( Page 4 ) AI in the Classroom Consulting…
Federal Humanities Grant Showcases Pioneer Valley’s Role In Technological Innovation
…of Innovation Program and one of five UMass Amherst faculty participating in this program. Teachers participating in the program will study the Armory as genesis to the early Industrial Revolution…
Mount Tom Academy Graduates Class of 2022
…Dan Hayes and the commencement address given by CES Executive Director Todd Gazda, Ed.D., JD. Gazda encouraged the graduates to think about the future, saying, “Not one of you has…
The Massachusetts Migrant Education Program Partners with School Districts
…programming, as well as not having programming for preschoolers and kindergarteners. This past summer, SPS and MMEP collaborated to address these issues and worked together to provide full-day programming, along…
SEIS and DYS Partnership
…academic interventions and support aligned to student service delivery grids as outlined on their IEP’s. Home E Search query for: blog blog 2021 09 28 gazda visit to rise…
Relationships as the Center of Learning
…By Collaborative for Educational Services, a non-profit educational agency committed to reaching and educating learners of all ages. Find out more by visiting https://www.collaborative.org/ Credits Music from #Uppbeat (free for…
Representatives from Rural Schools and Communities Gather at Tuesday Summit in Shelburne
…budgets are in jeopardy. As enrollments decline and expenses rise, towns and schools suffer the increasing squeeze of flat Chapter 70 funding from the state for education. Over the past…