…Institutes of Health’s STEP-UP program. It required an application, personal statement, and multiple recommendation letters. It is a nationally competitive program, and I was ecstatic when I got in.” The…
Search Results
Mohawk gets planning grant for agricultural program
…program and Hawlemont’s amazing agriculturally based HAY (Hawlemont, Agriculture and You) program, we are in excellent position to collaborate with GCC and afford our students exciting (career technology education) opportunities.”…
Pioneer to adopt youth in transition program
…in Transition program. According to Christine Maguire, the school district’s special education administrator, implementing the customized program at Pioneer would mean having a more formalized plan for supporting students after…
CES Early Childhood Team Begins Nurturing Caring Kids Program
Northampton, MA — The Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) in Northampton, MA has announced that their Early Childhood team is beginning work on the new CES Nurturing Caring Kids Program,…
Attleboro youngsters prepare for school with local/state program
…the state’s Summer Step Up Program helped to connect 126 children entering pre-k through 2nd grade to full day and extended care programming at the YMCA’s Day Camp Finberg. Attleboro…
Collaborative for Educational Services announces the launch this fall of the Massachusetts Licensure Academy for K-12 Educators of Students with Moderate Disabilities
…Collaborative for Educational Services has extensive experience providing high quality, research-based education in educator preparation and professional development programs, and has been an ESE-approved provider of Post-Baccalaureate Initial Licensure programs…
New Leader of Early Childhood Programs Joins the Collaborative for Educational Services
…the MSPCC-Springfield Early Intervention Program and the REACH Early Intervention Program involved training, supervising, and mentoring clinicians who specialized in working with young children and their families. CES Executive Director…
Art Inspires at HEC Academy
At this year’s HEC Academy graduation in June, guests were treated to a striking piece of art on the graduation program cover. Entitled Social Justice and Identity, and the culmination…
Jenna Biscoe
…in the classroom. She is currently a teacher in the Life Skills Program, Elementary level, for Springfield Public Schools. Jenna has been an Instructor for CES’s Licensure program since 2017….
Local 21st Century Learning Centers approved for funding for this coming school year
NORTHAMPTON – State funding for five “exemplary” out-of-school time programs in the region has been approved for the coming school year. The five programs provide high quality academic enrichment opportunities…