…Services (DYS), the students showed what mattered to them in paintings, sculptures, videos, song and dance. The Massachusetts program has had a long commitment to incorporating the arts into youth…
Search Results
Family Centers and Playgroups
…than just a gathering place for children. Home E Search query for: blog blog 2021 09 28 gazda visit to rise program in springfield rise program visit 2…
Leslie B. Edinson
…of the Pioneer Valley DSAC Team and served as a Monitoring Site Visit Team Leader for SchoolWorks. Les is an experienced principal who has been a successful leader of pilot…
Distinguished UMass Historian Encourages HEC Academy Graduates to Pursue their Dreams
…Schuman Scholarship Award. Please visit the Schuman Scholarship Fund_website for more information about the awards. For more information about the Collaborative?s Special Education programs, please visit Special Education Program website….
Story exhibit on May 1st highlights action-oriented conversations around anti-racism
…the coronavirus pandemic, the project was put on pause. REAL Northampton decided to transfer the exhibit to a digital platform in January 2021 through a private Instagram account to house…
Native Education PLC: An Introduction to Mashpee Wampanoag Culture and Best Practices
…$255.00. Attendees must attend 13 of the 16 sessions (unless other arrangements are prearranged), participate online, and submit a final product Tier 2: Earn 2 Graduate Credits from Fitchburg State…
Equity Teams
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2021 09 28 gazda visit to rise program in springfield rise program visit 2 ( Page 15 ) Building Equity Teams Addressing inequities…
New principals named locally
…parents, caregivers and staff, he wrote that Hernandez “will begin her tenure on August 2, 2021, after completing her commitments to her current school.” She is currently the vice principal…
Healthy Hampshire sends team to Johns Hopkins initiative
…attend the national forum held in Kansas City later in 2021. The Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future Food Policy program is considered a national expert on food policy…
The Pandemic Hurt These Students the Most
…just keeps you up at night.” For example, in math, Latino third graders performed 17 percentile points lower in spring 2021 compared with the typical achievement of Latino third graders…