…2006, Congress has appropriated funds to the TPS program to establish and support a consortium of organizations working to incorporate the Library of Congress’s digital collections into educational curricula. Members…
Search Results
William Diehl, Executive Director of the Collaborative for Educational Services, to Retire
…Programs, Assistive Technology, Literacy Development, and the education of vulnerable youth. The agency provides extensive technical assistance, professional development, and educator licensure and certification programs to school districts in Hampshire…
Winter 2013 Special Olympics
…“I work with some of the greatest kids in the world,” said Topor, who has been teaching intellectually disabled students for 28 years. His winter program features basketball and bowling….
…of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Home E Search query for: blog blog 2021 09 28 gazda visit to rise program in springfield rise program…
CES After School program receives grant for Dexter Park Elementary in Orange
…Ultimately, the program ‘feels’ like their own!” The Dexter Park planning team plans to run a summer program starting in July and has begun the hiring process for the project….
Educator Preparation programs win approval from the MA Office of Educator Licensure
…program approval for a redesigned administrator preparation program, which will launch in January of 2016. The educator preparation programs provide training for educators pursuing Massachusetts teacher or educational administrator licenses….
STCC awarded grant to help close achievement gaps
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Springfield Technical Community College has received a $75,000 Massachusetts Higher Education Innovation Fund grant from the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. The grant will support professional development for…
Maria Geueke
…University of Massachusetts Amherst. Maria is a former pre-service teacher at Springfield Central High School, English Language Teacher and an ELL resource for a district in Central Massachusetts, and Special…
3 Western Massachusetts teachers win White House award for excellence in science, math teaching
Two elementary school teachers in Williamsburg and a high school science teacher from Springfield were among some 200 teachers nationwide selected as recipients of the 2016 Presidential Award for Excellence…
Transforming Education Conference
Transforming Education for Social Justice: Conference Day Details Home E Search query for: blog blog 2021 09 28 gazda visit to rise program in springfield rise program visit 2 (…