…We moved our ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Certification, Licensure, and SEI courses online. We thought remote learning would be over by the end of April 2020. We…
Search Results
…with children, youth, and adult learners; families; schools, districts, and educators; and community members in the Pioneer Valley and across Massachusetts to create and improve educational opportunities both in and…
Local schools to form rural association
DEERFIELD — About 16 western Massachusetts school superintendents and others agreed Monday morning to start a “Massachusetts Association of Rural Schools” to address common issues faced by sprawling rural school…
Weather Emergencies and Notices
CES Offices Closed Feb 13, 2024 Due to inclement weather, CES offices will be closed on Tuesday, Feb 13, 2024. *HEC Academy follows Northampton Public Schools protocols around weather delays…
Native Education PLC: An Introduction to Mashpee Wampanoag Culture and Best Practices
…$255.00. Attendees must attend 13 of the 16 sessions (unless other arrangements are prearranged), participate online, and submit a final product Tier 2: Earn 2 Graduate Credits from Fitchburg State…
Board Meetings SY2021-22
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2020 03 16 schools closed in massachusetts until at least april 7th charlie baker 2 ( Page 7 ) CES Board Meetings School…
New Professional Learning Communities coming this fall to CES
…explore issues of social justice in schools. Participants will have the opportunity to develop support and inspiration networks across districts and schools with other educators, administrators and advocates. Interested educators…
Graduating During the Pandemic
When schools first closed in mid-March, seniors across the county weren’t sure when or if they would be returning to classes to finish up their final semester, making for a…
Story exhibit on May 1st highlights action-oriented conversations around anti-racism
…separate or isolated.” The plan in 2019 was to create a physical exhibit for the stories that were collected so far, but when schools closed in March 2020 due to…
Orange: state shortchanges its SPED funding by $3.5 million
…funding schools in Orange, causing a ripple effect that makes it difficult to finance other departments in town. Consequently, the Finance Committee is sending Gov. Charlie Baker two letters. First,…