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Results for "blog blog 2020 03 16 schools closed in massachusetts until at least april 7th charlie baker 2"

Rural School Aid in State Budget

…Republican Gov. Charlie Baker signed the $42 billion spending package into law Thursday, ending the state’s status as the only one in the nation without a permanent budget. The rural…

Research & Evaluation

Home E Search query for: blog blog 2020 03 16 schools closed in massachusetts until at least april 7th charlie baker 2 ( Page 5 ) Your Learning Partners Our…

Developing Youth Leadership

Listen on Spotify  In this Episode Today’s episode features the thoughts and expertise of Lisa Goldsmith, SPIFFY Coalition Manager. Lisa shares strategies for developing youth leadership while combating adultism –…

Educators rising to remote learning challenges

Schools across the state, country and the globe are closed amid the coronavirus pandemic. Here in Massachusetts, schools are slated to reopen at the beginning of May, the state is…

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