…the PARCC assessments on the following dates: Tuesday, April 28, 2015, Fitchburg State University, Hammond Hall, 3:00-6:00 p.m. (following the regular Board meeting) Monday, May 18, 2015, Bunker Hill Community…
Search Results
Greenfield High School honors 2020 graduates with fairgrounds ceremony
…ceremony. Students were instructed prior to the ceremony to only bring one vehicle to the fairgrounds, with the exception of families with two households. “As we closed schools on March…
Social Justice in Education
…E Search query for: blog blog 2020 03 16 schools closed in massachusetts until at least april 7th charlie baker 2 ( Page 4 ) Joy and Justice in Schools…
Early Education and Care programs to suspend operations; Some Emergency Child Care Programs will be established
Governor Baker has ordered all early childhood education programs across the State of Massachusetts to suspend providing childcare by 11:59 P.M. on Sunday, March 22, 2020. This will remain in…
Commissioner Announces 2021 Massachusetts Teacher of the Year Malden middle school math teacher Jennifer Hedrington receives state’s top educator award
…Hedrington, a seventh-grade math teacher at Ferryway School in Malden, is the 2021 Massachusetts Teacher of the Year. The Massachusetts Teacher of the Year Program is the state’s top award…
Colrain Central School wins 2020 Green Difference Awards for trout repopulation, reusable bags
COLRAIN — Colrain Central School’s reusable bag program and efforts to replenish the local trout population are garnering attention from Project Green Schools, a Plymouth-based organization that seeks to develop…
Area officials respond to governor’s order students won’t return to regular classrooms
…conference that schools are ordered to remain closed as the state continues to manage the spread of COVID-19. He said the measure does not apply to residential special education schools….
Massachusetts House restores $17.5 million for kindergarten expansion grants to state budget
BOSTON, MA — The Massachusetts House on Wednesday voted to restore $17.5 million in funding for kindergarten expansion grants, overriding Gov. Charlie Baker’s veto. The restoration of the kindergarten expansion…
Donate to Bogin Playscape Project
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2020 03 16 schools closed in massachusetts until at least april 7th charlie baker 2 ( Page 4 ) Bogin Playscape Project…
AI in the Classroom
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2020 03 16 schools closed in massachusetts until at least april 7th charlie baker 2 ( Page 4 ) AI in the Classroom…