…Region: Sharyn Chamberlain, Teaching Coordinator at Kennedy School This year Sharyn became the Teaching Coordinator at Kennedy School, and before that she taught for twelve years in DYS schools in…
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At state budget hearing at GCC, school officials share unique challenges faced by rural districts
…Sheryl Stanton, superintendent of the Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont regional school districts, want to ensure the state understands the challenges schools are facing, and that districts like hers are ready…
More state aid for rural schools this year
…schools and the grant program that provides financial assistance to the state’s most rural schools, several of which are in Franklin County. The Rural School Aid grant program helps school…
Course Catalog
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2019 07 09 florence middle school teacher named mohawk trails new assistant principal 6ec1906888dd4837b8dd61521909a068 ( Page 24 ) Licensure Course Catalog CES Licensure…
Her heart will always be with the students – Frontier Superintendent Martha Barrett to retire
…Since then, she has served as a teacher and a principal at numerous local schools, including Frontier Regional High School, where she was principal for 12 years. When she became…
Fort River art teacher honored for feminist work in the classroom
…classrooms,” said Patty Bode, who directed the graduate program Singer attended at Tufts University and worked as the interim principal of Amherst Regional Middle School while Singer taught at Fort…
Cooperative Purchasing
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2019 07 09 florence middle school teacher named mohawk trails new assistant principal 6ec1906888dd4837b8dd61521909a068 ( Page 24 ) Simplify, Save, and Succeed By…
In face of homework bans, local educators a voice for moderation
…skill, according to the teacher. “(Students) learn how to multitask,” she said. Not all elementary school teachers agree. In August, the no-homework policy of a second-grade teacher in Texas went…
Greenfield teacher wins national award for sharing personal story
…schools for the third time in five years. A new school, new teachers, no friends, and to top it all off, the children joining me in my new fifth-grade homeroom…
50 Years of Belonging and Community for Students with Disabilities
In 1974, the Massachusetts special education law Chapter 766 was passed, which required that all school districts provide education in a new and more inclusive way for students with special…