…directors before the interviews. Minnick said the process of choosing a new chief administrator started a year ago, when the collaborative accepted bids from consultants to assist in the search….
Search Results
Mass. Center for Civic Education promotes engaged citizenship among students
…by the National Bicentennial Commission for the U.S. Constitution, chaired by former Chief Justice Warren Burger. Since the project was launched, it has been used in over 200 Massachusetts schools….
Distance Learning infrastructure project funded by USDA Rural Development
…Services (www.collaborative.org) is a non-profit educational services agency based in Northampton MA. Since 1974, CES has worked with K-12 schools and districts, and early childhood educators, to help them assess…
U.S. Department of Education Issues Guidance on Federal Funds to Support Afghan and Other Newcomer Students
Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) issued a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) to Chief State School Officers detailing information about federal funds and resources available to support Afghan children and their families, who have recently…
Mahar students learn a new way to communicate: sign language
…3 in school. Local photographer and sign language interpreter Kirsten Spencer, 46, who is Cadence’s mother, has coordinated the club’s meetings, which take place at her 26 South Main St….
Story exhibit on May 1st highlights action-oriented conversations around anti-racism
…separate or isolated.” The plan in 2019 was to create a physical exhibit for the stories that were collected so far, but when schools closed in March 2020 due to…
Representatives from Rural Schools and Communities Gather at Tuesday Summit in Shelburne
Select committee members, finance committee members, members of school committees and superintendents of schools from multiple Franklin, Berkshire, and Hampshire county communities, as well as superintendents from rural areas in…
Greenfield teacher wins national award for sharing personal story
…schools for the third time in five years. A new school, new teachers, no friends, and to top it all off, the children joining me in my new fifth-grade homeroom…
HEC Academy students raise $1,135 to battle hunger
…carts along a 26-mile route, from Northampton to Greenfield, collecting donations for the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts along the way. This year, Monte?s March raised over $65,000. HEC Academy…
Easthampton adults won’t buy alcohol for minors
…None of the 26 adults surveyed agreed to buy beer for the teens that evening. Had any adult agreed to purchase alcohol as asked, they would have been informed of…