…schools. The program identifies the strengths, talents, and unique abilities of its participating students, providing the opportunity for qualified high school students to pursue dual enrollment options to earn both…
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CES Partnerships
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2015 07 08 expanding the presidential scholars program to honor students in career and technical education presidential scholars ( Page 41 ) Would…
U.S. Department of Education Awards Over $60 Million to Strengthen the Teacher Pipeline, Increase Educator Leadership, and Support Quality Teaching and Learning to Further Address Teacher Shortage
Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) is announcing new awards to further address the teacher shortage and help ensure long-term investments in teacher pipeline and development programs across the…
Albert Johnson-Mussad Ph.D.
…licensed educators in instructional leadership; English learner education; world language and bilingual education; adolescent literacy education; improving outcomes for students in poverty; and social-emotional learning. In addition to professional development,…
Bringing STEM to life: In cross-pond collaboration, JFK students team up with counterparts in England
…Hello! Hola!” pipe voices from the screen. The American students wave in slow circles to their U.K. counterparts, and the uniformed boys in England mirror the gesture. “This is how…
Pols take their cue from students
…listen.” Joining Commerford for the couple hours at the DIAL/SELF Youth & Community Services program, with the Greenfield High School students and a handful of students from Great Falls Middle…
Fort River art teacher honored for feminist work in the classroom
…to instruction in the classroom, Singer was honored with an award at the National Art Education Association annual conference in Boston on March 14. The Carrie Nordlund pre-K-12 Feminist Pedagogy…
Teaching disability history in schools is ‘long overdue,’ advocates say
…who is credited as the founder of the independent living movement, as someone more students should know about as a civil rights leader. Kate Benson, a longtime special education teacher…
Impact of Poverty
Home E Search query for: blog blog 2015 07 08 expanding the presidential scholars program to honor students in career and technical education presidential scholars ( Page 41 ) Thinking…
Dozens of lawmakers asking for education aid increase beyond Baker budget proposal
More than one-third of lawmakers have requested that House and Senate leaders increase by more than $20 million local education aid beyond what had been proposed by Gov. Charlie Baker…