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Results for "blog blog 2015 04 08 on early ed lets not lose ground www gazettenet com home 16418982 95 william diehl desiree lalbeharie josias on early ed lets not lose ground"

Partnering with Families

Young children thrive and their social and emotional development is enhanced when there is alignment between home and school. Learn about the value of developing authentic strength-based relationships with families…

Gill Elementary hires new principal

…South Hadley. She has also served on the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s principal advisory council, and has experience working with special education, mental health and restorative practices….

Franklin Tech’s frogs along the river

…and Spanish are ready to go up along approved spots near the river, and in big letters the message says: Thanks for being a water protector, take your trash home….

Building Partnerships with Families with Toddlers

Young children thrive and their social and emotional development is enhanced when there is alignment between home and school. Learn about the value of developing authentic strength based relationships with…

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